The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major effect on various industries around the
world, especially tourism. The Marine Mammal Tourism (MMT) industry is one of the
sectors that has been affected by travel restrictions and health and safety protocols,
and the consequences of these on the industry are unknown. This study examines the
effect the pandemic has had on the marine mammal tourism industry in Walvis Bay,
Namibia. The results of the key informant interviews (KII) and the focus group discussions
(FGD) show that COVID-19 affects the industry in the following thematic areas: 1) tour
operation; 2) income; 3) employment; 4) community involvement; 5) protocols and code of
conduct; and 6) ecology. These thematic areas are discussed in the context of the goals
of sustainable tourism. This paper also presents some policy recommendations for the
sustainable development of the MMT industry of Walvis Bay.