Department of Management, College of Management, University of the Philippines Visayas
Vice Chancellor for Research and Extension , Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Extension, University of the Philippines Visayas
College of Education, University of the Philippines Diliman
College of Arts and Sciences, University of the Philippines Los Baños
Department of Accounting, University of the Philippines Visayas
Northern Bukidnon State College
College of Business, Law and Governance James Cook University, Australia
Department of Philosophy, University of the Philippines Diliman
Maria Adiel H. Aguiling
Ryan Vincent Pio S. Hiballes, Armarie Alimoot, Jinno Encarnacion, Karima Krista Montes
Marshaley J. Baquiano, Mediola Teng-Calleja, Cristina J. Montiel
University of the Philippines Visayas
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Extensions
Miagao, Iloilo
(02) 315-8382